What: MOCA at the Geffen
Wear: Expression
Rating: Color + Shape + Texture = Beauty. That's my formula
Shame on me for waiting too the last minute to catch MOCA's most successful exhibit Art In The Streets. I did an intro on the exhibit a while back and let my schedule get the better of me. But luckily, and just in the nick of time, I mozied my way little Tokyo.
Outside the line was ridiculous, inside pure joy! I have so many great pics i won't delay with my on going banter. Enjoy.
Totally Obsessed, xoxo Love
When first walking in there was a wall dedicated to memorabilia about the statistics, rewards, and legal warnings for graffiti.
When I was a kid getting a fresh box of Crayola's was like Christmas. Seeing this display of spray paint colors and brands took me right back to that happy memory. That crisp smell as soon as you opened the box, just made my imagination run wild. Oh the possibility of color!
The shadowbox display of the inside of a NY subway car (above) and the wallpaper display of exterior graffiti painted subway cars (below) put me in a New York state of mind.

Fashion imitating art. In 2001 Creative Director Marc Jacobs commissions Stephen Sprouse for the Louis Vuitton Graffiti collection.

A total Molly Ringwald, Pretty In Pink Moment

(above) Sir Jean Michel spraying words on a new york city street. (below) A video o the man in action.

For pictures of Art in the Street, click here.