Oh My Dandy!! Kanye West & Amare Stoudemire Become Women's Designers

Who: Amare Stoudemire & Kanye West 
What: New Women's Wear Collections
Wear: Style from the male POV

I love love love Rachel Roy. Her collections are smart, feminine, and adventurous all at the same time. To hear of her creating yet a third line is very exciting news.

This time a collaborative effort with the stylish, Amare Stoudemire, Roy says the line will be geared towards, "A girl that goes to sporting events. She goes to a basketball event or maybe football events. She needs something that is modern, something that represents her in a way that doesn't look like it just came out of a sporting good shop... I think I would like to teach girls that you don't have to wear high heels to watch sports, but you can be casually chic."
Stoudemire, who says Rachel is the driver and he's just the maintenance man of the creative relationship, will be lending his personal style and taste to the line.


The collection will be available in select Macy's, with prices ranging from $45-$250.
Rating: Easy fabrics, cool colors, and statement pieces.

Kanye West for Louis
Kanye West is set  to release his new collaborative effort with British Designer Louise Griffin in the September shows at Bryant Park. The line will not be a rebirth of West's first initiative Pastelle. However insiders are expecting Kanye to be extremely hands on, and for the line to be overall well thought out and executed. West will be leaning on his personal style, like Stoudemire, but will have the advantage of his experiences from brief internships with major deign houses like, Fendi and Louis Vuitton, to back him up.

Rating: Heavy design details, embellishments, luxurious fabrics and skins, and very sexy silhouettes.

I'm interested and definitely not knocking either of the lines until I see some product. I know better than to think that great collections are built on personal style, especially when the designers themselves aren't familiar with the cut and form of the body. Enter designer Rachel Roy and Loise Green to help nurture and guide the men's influenced women's lines. We'll see how my ratings for the two collections holds up.

Totally Obsessed, xoxo Love