Magazine Glam or Sham: Kanye West Shot by Karl Lagerfeld for VMan Magazine, Mouth Stuffed with Real $1 Bill on Cover

Just when you think Kanye West ran out of creative ideas, he does something extraordinarily weird and fascinating to remind you why he's the King of kookiness.

Take his XXL cover, where he was among the first stars to write his own cover story (as Ferocia remarked, "Is that even allowed?"). Now, months later, he's topped his own odd behavior with a cover, shot by Karl Lagerfeld, with a real $1 bill stuffed in his mouth. Don't believe me? Check the video below of some poor magazine worker literally placing $1 bills in each issue via How's that for different?

Kanye West shot by Karl Lagerfeld for Vman from KWest on Vimeo.

I could totes see someone taking the $1 bills out of all the magazines at a newstand in New York City. What do you think of the novel put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is idea? Which Kanye cover is the weirdest best: XXL or VMan?

